Thus far, not too much has bothered me here as far as the infamous phase of "culture shock" goes. Driving on the opposite side of the car/road.. eh, whatever. Children riding scooters everywhere, that's fine. No familiar names of stores.. great. But the one thing that definitely has gotten to me is the food, and not liking 80% of it.
I'm a notoriously (overstatement, probably) picky eater and the food in good ol' England is just not doing it for me, which is surprising because I like a lot of plain-ish types of foods, which are in abundance here. But when I step into a grocery store, I always freak out a little in my mind because there's hardly any recognizable brands to me, and lots of things that I don't even know what they are. Even something as simple as getting cheese.. no big deal right? Clearly not, because the cheese here that's 'cheddar' is white, and the cheese here that's orange is called 'leicester,' plus everything is either 'mature' or 'extra mature.' I do not even know what that means.
I also feel like everything expires very quickly here.. I don't really go through my food so fast as to eat in within 2 or 3 days of opening a pack of ham or cheese. So the first week all my food got all shrively and hard (the cheese and ham) and all my bread got moldy.. ("mouldy") awesome. Even the eggs I bought tasted kind of weird, but I think that's because I can't cook very well..
Not saying all food here is horrible, because it's not, I've had some really good chicken and sandwiches and other foods that I can't think of, but it's just that it's not what I'm used to and it's hard trying to adopt a new diet. Plus they have a lot of what I call "fancy" foods here.. not like the cat food, but just foods that I associate with people who eat fancily (definition: organic, 'healthy,' weird) which as you can tell by my definition isn't something that I really do much of. Don't get me wrong, I like salads, but the salads here feel bland to me.. I didn't even know that was possible, since I already thought salads were bland. But they're even blander.
But, hey. If that's the only thing that's bothering me thus far here, then I'd say I'm doing pretty good.
I will say I have fallen in love with one brand/type of food here..
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I'm being very serious. They're so delicious. They also have ones with dark chocolate on one side, which I enjoy very much. The original is really good too, though. And I don't eat them because I have digestive problems, actually I'm fairly certain that they don't even do anything for digesting at all..
Feel free to buy me a pack if you're in a generous mood..