Okay, so my title might be a little misleading since I didn't actually see any dead people, and it might possibly get construed in google searches that this is about Heath Ledger (too soon?) but alas, it is not about seeing the ghost of a delicious-looking man. No, good people of the Internet and mostly Facebook Friends, this post is all about HAMPSTEAD HEATH and it's surrounding area, including HIGHGATE CEMETARY. Nothing wrong getting your heath on, you know? The only thing that could have made it a nicer trip was if I was also eating a Heath candy bar. But those are so hard on the teeth.. *sigh*
At any rate, (that is one of my favorite lead-in phrases, have you noticed? Fun game: count how many times I've used this phrase in my blog. You'll win a piggyback ride from me!! So tempting, I know..) Hampstead Heath is gorgeous, full of rolling hills, grassy knolls and big-ass trees. (Pardon my language. It's true.) It's also full of DOGS. Lots and lots of dogs. Everywhere. It's awesome. It's like a little slice of heaven on earth for dogs too because there's lots of other dogs for them to sniff buttholes with and to mount gleefully without being judged. Even though I was definitely judging the Golden Labradors who were doing the latter.. I mean come on. You can't escape inappropriate PDA no matter where you go here. Even the dogs are ruthless.
But, back to talking about non-crude things, Hampstead Heath is absolutely a must-see if you're in London, just because it's so.. un-London. It's a nice change of pace, and is similar to Richmond in that sense. It's also the highest point in London, so you can get some pretty nice views of the city down below. Another awesome place that's a bit tucked away is Highgate Cemetary. It's the final resting place of Karl Marx and lots and lots of other people who I am not familiar with. But it's so stunning and peaceful, with many parts overgrown with ivy and trees. All in all, it was a nice trip up to Hampstead and a nice way to spend a Monday. Even though my buttcheeks got a workout from climbing up and down and up and down hills the whole morning..
Beginning of DOG HEATH. Or Hampstead Heath.. Whichever. |
Woody. Like my dog. |
Hipster Tree: uprooted, because standing upwards is too mainstream. |
Leaves :) |
Ladybug + bark. |
Cottage in the heath. |
Overlooking a pond and 'bridge.' |
Dew still on the grass :) |
There's a dog in this photo.. |
Highgate Cemetary |
The top of Karl Marx's grave/statue. |
Fern! [gully] |
Overgrown gravestones. |
There's plenty more where that came from. |
Two brother's graves with a tree growing around them. |
R - I - P |
Until the next time I do something note-worthy;