The title of this is in reference to my awesome new shirt I bought there, of which has the aforementioned text on it. I mean, Jesus definitely does love Paris.. but I don't know if he would like the metro there because I sure didn't and I'm basically close enough, right?
But hey, enough about me and Jesus and more about me and Paris.
"Gay Pareee" as nobody calls it, was wonderful, although I wish I could have spent two more days there (at least) to really have the chance to do everything that I wanted to. BUT we did quite a lot in the time that we did have, and I had a blast. Some highlights would have to be..
1. Holding a baby on top of the Eiffel Tower. (A couple actually asked me if I could hold their infant while they took a photo.. Hahaha. But it was *awesome*)
2. CRÊPES. !!!!!!! (And crème brûlée! Mmmm.)
3. Watching all the guys who try and ambush you to sell you €1 Eiffel Tower statues get chased by the police across the park and the accompanying jingling of all the statues as they bolted down the grass.
4. Going to the Louvre at night.. and for free because we're students! Definitely way better than going in the daytime.. so mainstream. Also seeing Napoleon III's living quarters there was probably my favorite part. There was also an audio installation going on there so it sounded like a jungle juxtaposed against the elaborate Baroque-style room decor. It was heavenly, I daresay. (And his 40+ person dining room table..!?)
5. Well.. I'm sure there's more but I can't think of any other specific things. I will say that Paris is wonderful, and all the fall colors were gorgeous. Walking around there doesn't feel real.. Everything is much too beautiful for it to feel like reality. I just left but I can't wait to go back! [..Eventually. When my bank account has miraculously regained its funds..]
Nothing like curling up on a train to get the party started off right. |
Eiffel Tower! :) |
Houses and such. |
IMAGINE.. that you were here with me.. har har har. |
Lots of beautiful squares hidden away from the tourists.. |
These guys were everywhere! |
The Seine |
The back side of the Notre Dame.. Check out those hot buttresses, yo. |
Must have just missed Esmerelda & Hunchie.. :'( |
Cathédrale Notre-Dame de Paris! |
The main area.. I'm sure it has a technical name but I don't know it. So... "main area" it is. |
The stained glass in the Notre Dame is so beautiful and impressive.
(That's a stupid caption but I'm really not feeling too creative and/or witty right now, so.. yeahhh..) |
More stained glass with an emo sculpture in front of it. |
Candles everywhere! Byahhh! |
Amazing street full of restaurants, food shops and more importantly.. crêpe vendors! |
So deliciousss. Nutella and banana, of course. This was the first of MANY.. >:) |
Part of the Louvre :) |
Same section of the Louvre at night.. and the moon! |
Shmona Lisa.. Also to accompany this photo let me include a quote as exchanged by my roommate and a
security guard who was hitting on her: "Aren't you supposed to be watching the Mona Lisa?" "No, I am
watching you." |
Everyone ogling at the Mona Lisa.. Well mostly taking pictures of it and not really looking at it. |
Coronation of Napoleon by David.. It's insanely huge, essentially life sized. And that's me in the picture, duh. |
A mum at Cimetière du Père Lachaise, one of my favorite places we went to.
The Père Lachaise has graves of many famous people like Chopin, Edith Piaf, Jim Morrison, Oscar Wilde, a
dude whose genitals you rub on a statue of him and then you get pregnant or have a good sex life, and many
more! |
Jim Morrison's grave. |
Graffiti on a pole by the grave.. The dedication his fans have to him is really quite inspiring. |
Oscar Wilde's grave.. Was going to kiss it except for the fact that it was completely engulfed with scaffolding
because it was under construction/restoration.. So here's a picture of him that was laid by the grave. People still
kissed everything around the scaffolding, including the scaffolding. And tree. And this photo.. etc. |
The Sacré Cœur, located in Montmarte on the highest point in Paris. |
Street arttt, ! |
Lots of painters lined the main square in Montmarte.. Wished I could have gotten a piece but I'm too poor.. :'( |
La Boheme.. reminds me of the Moulin Rouge movie. Speaking of... |
The Moulin Rouge!
I daresay, the amount of sex shops that line the street its located on is impressive.. and funny. |
La Tour Eiffel! |
Looking down on the street. |
:) |
Paris! |
Panoramic view off of the tower. |
Babst & Jurgen, 11.07.1989 |
The only picture from the Eiffel Tower that I look like a normal person in.. |
Dusk! |
The city all lit up. |
It's the most amazing thing to turn a corner at night and see this shining back at you. |
Sparkling! It's difficult to capture how beautiful this is on camera.. But just trust me!
(Or go visit and see for yourself.. ;) |
So hopefully I haven't overwhelmed you with photos.. Because I took waaay more, of which you can check out on Facebook should you so feel inclined.. *winky face*
Stay tuneddd for more cool posts by me! Of things! That I do periodically!