This past weekend I traveled to Oslo, Norway with a group of "homies," "compadres," or "classmates" ..whichever one you are more comfortable using. At any rate, there was seven of us altogether and then I was also able to meet up with my fabulous native Norwegian friend Mille as well, which was *ahem* fun.. :)
At any rate, Oslo is a beautiful little city.. the landscape reminded me a lot of northern MN with all the pine trees and such. All the trees were also changing colors, the majority of them being brilliant shades of yellow. It was quite beautiful to see, especially in contrast to the buildings situated around them.
A definite downside to Norway is how extremely expensive everything is. It's really hard to wrap your head around eating a $15 sub of which most people get for $5 in the States. So if you're attempting to live your life on a budget.. definitely steer clear of Scandinavian countries. Jussayin'..
Overall it was a fun weekend trip, even though it was a cold one, it was beautiful there and the sunsets were fabulous. It made me feel a little closer to my Norwegian roots.. now I just need to visit Poland and Germany and I'll be set with my heritage visits! ;)
Downtown along Karl Johans Gate.. The Freia sign lights up at night :)
(Freia is the main chocolate brand in Norway.. so good!) |
More along the main pedestrian/tourist street Karl Johans Gate. |
Trees! :) |
Dandelion fountain. |
In front of the royal palace. |
Big ol' horse booty |
The royal palace.. complete with scaffolding.
On a side note, if you're a scaffold company owner you should lend me some money since you clearly must be
loaded, seeing as scaffolding is EVERYWHERE all over Europe. Thanks in advance.. <3 |
View down Karl Johans Gate from the Palace. |
A firey tree in the midst of boring buildings. |
Lots of birds down by the pier. I use the term "birds" loosely.. they're pigeons and they don't have souls.
Or normal eyeballs. |
Pierrrr |
Sunset and a ship. |
Sunset :) :) |
The Holmenkollen ski jump.. very cool to see up close. I don't know why anyone would willingly ski down it,
but hey. It makes for a nice tourist attraction. |
Cute flowers. They remind of me of something reindeer would eat.
I don't really know why ...Just does. |
Vigeland sculptures.. Such great attention to detail. Also very realistic situations.. Clearly. |
Playing a fun game of "toss-the-baby-whilst-free-balling-it." |
Vigeland bridge. It's quite beautiful in the park, and despite the bizarreness of the sculptures they somehow
work perfectly together and with the landscape. |
Gate, complete with Franken-face, nipples and deuces. |
The large phallic sculpture that is the main focal point of the park.. And more naked people statues and children in
comprising and weird positions. |
The sun setting.. :) |